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张裕卿  天津大学化工学院教授、博士后。
2014,4-          中国教育部CSC资助, 任澳大利亚昆士兰大学工学院纳米功能材料研究中心(The University of Queensland,School of Engineering, AIBN, ARC Centre of Excellence for Functional Nanomaterials)高级研究学者。
2014,2            被澳大利亚科廷大学工学院化学工程系邀请为访问教授。
2012,4-2012, 10 英国皇家工程院资助, 任英国爱丁堡大学工学院访问教授。
2007,9-2008,9   中国教育部CSC资助, 在澳大利亚昆士兰大学工学院纳米功能材料研究中心(The University of Queensland,School of Engineering, AIBN, ARC Centre of Excellence for Functional Nanomaterials)做研究学者。
2000,8-2002,10  在天津大学化工学院生物化工专业做博士后研究工作。
1997,9-2000,8   在天津大学化工学院化学工程专业读博士,获工学博士学位。
1993,9-1996,3   在天津大学应用化学系应用化学专业读硕士,获工学硕士学位。
1982,9-1986,7   在天津大学应用化学系应用化学专业读本科,获工学学士学位。
Apr., 2014-   Senior visiting fellow of Chemical Engineering supported by CSC, ARC center of Excellence for Functional Nanomaterials Center, The University of Queensland, Australia
Feb., 2014- Visiting Professor of Chemical Engineering, Curtin University, Australia
Apr., 2012- Oct. 2012- Visiting Professor of Chemical Engineering supported by The Royal Academy of Engineering, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Sep., 2007- Sep., 2008- Visiting fellow of Chemical Engineering supported by CSC, ARC center of Excellence for Functional Nanomaterials Center, The University of Queensland, Australia
Oct., 2000- Oct., 2002- Postdoctoral of Biochemical Engineering, Tianjin University, China.
Sep., 1997-Aug., 2000-Ph. D. of Chemical Engineering. Tianjin University, China.
Sep., 1993-Mar., 1996-Master of Engineering in Applied Chemistry, Department of Applied Chemistry, Tianjin University, China
Sep., 1982-Jul., 1986-Bachelor of Engineering in Applied Chemistry, Department of Applied Chemistry, Tianjin University, China.
1. 具有净化和修复功能的化工新型材料及水体净化工程
2. 化工传质与分离工程,膜分离及吸附分离工程
3. 生物医药及医药中间体, 天然药物有效成分分离纯化和新型药物制剂,药物传输与释放系统
4. 用于药物分离的具有高选择性的靶向分离膜和传递过程
5. 具有自洁和耐污染的纳米填充复合膜及应用
6. 生物催化工程
7. 生物质可再生能源的转化及应用, 先进能源材料,化学与物理电源
Research interests:
1. Novel materials with purified and recovered function and engineering of water purification
2. Engineering of chemical mass transfer and separation; Engineering of membrane separation and adsorption separation
3. Intermediate products of biological and chemical drug, extraction of active ingredients from natural drug and preparations of new pharmaceutical, drug delivery and release system
4. High selective membrane for drug separation and membrane transfer process 
5. Composite membrane doped by nanoparticles and its application
6. Bio-catalytic engineering
7. Transform and application of biomass renewable energy source , advanced materials for energy sources, chemical and physical batteries
1任《Journal of Nanoscience Letters》副主编。
2任《Journal of Applied Chemistry》期刊编委。
3 任《Journal of Biophysical Chemistry》期刊编委。
4 任《Chinese Journal of Materials Science》期刊编委。
5《JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE》,《Separation Purification and Technology 》,《CHEMICAL ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY 》, 《Journal of Chemical Technology &Biotechnology》, 《Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 》,《separation science and technology 》,《The Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering 》,《浙江大学学报自然科学版》等期刊 的 审稿人。
6 中国生态学会委员。
Member of Technical or professional bodies;
1 The Associate Editor of《Journal of Nanoscience Letters》.
2 The Editorial Board of《Journal of Applied Chemistry》.
3 The Editorial Board of《Journal of Biophysical Chemistry》.
4 The Editorial Board of《Chinese Journal of Materials Science》.
5 Peer reviewer of International Journals such as 《JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE》,《Separation Purification and Technology 》,《CHEMICAL ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY 》, 《Journal of Chemical Technology &Biotechnology》, 《Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 》,《Separation science and technology 》,《The Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering 》
6 Member of Chinese Ecology Academic society.
7 Member of Galvanization Technology Specialized Academic society in Chinese Electron Academic society.
8 The Editorial Board of《Guangdong chemical industry》.
9 The Editorial Board of《China Education Innovation Herald》.
10 Technical Consultant of Chemical engineering network of China.
11 The Editorial Board of《Shandong chemical industry》.
(1) 王榕树,  张裕卿, 孙 岩. 2004年度国家科学技术发明二等奖,《新型离子筛的研制及其应用》(2004-F-213-2-03-05)。
(2) 张裕卿. 2012年英国皇家工程院国际科技交流奖 《用于电池隔膜和水处理的SiO2纳米管掺杂的复合膜的开发》(2012-5502).
(3) 张裕卿. 2009年被评为《天津市优秀博士后研究人员》奖(该奖项是天津市人民政府对曾经在天津市从事过博士后研究,出站后工作成绩优秀的人员给予的奖励)。
(1) 2004 National science and technology patent award of second class, 2004-F-213-2-03-05
(2) 2012 Research Exchanges with China and India award supported by the  Royal Academy of Engineering 《Development of Composite Membranes Doped with Silica Nanotubes for Battery Separators and Water treatment》
(3) 2009 outstanding post-doctoral researcher’s award in Tianjin
(1) 天津市应用基础研究计划《高选择性硅质分离膜的制备及其机制的研究》(项目编号:07JCYBJC00700) (第一负责人)
(2) 中国石油科技创新风险基金《用于含油废水处理的纳米离子筛-聚合物复合膜的研制》(项目编号:油科函字, 060511-6-3)(第一负责人)
(3) 中国博士后科学基金资助项目《具有记忆功能高选择性复合膜的研究》(项目编号:第三十批,413395-0306)(第一负责人)
(5) 国家留学基金资助项目《高选择性吸附剂的制备及在天然产物和药物中的应用研究》(项目编号:CSC No : 2004812031)(第一负责人)
(6) 国中爱华(天津)市政环境工程有限公司资助项目《具有中间相结构的SiO2-聚合物复合膜的研制》(项目编号:G203248)(第一负责人)
(7) 教育部军工项目《铅酸蓄电池低温充放电性能的研究》(主要完成人)
(8) 国家863计划新材料领域资助项目《用于环境水体净化的高效离子筛及新型分子筛的研究与开发》(项目编号:863-715-004-220)(主要参加者)
(9) 山东邹平锦科纳米材料有限公司资助项目《年产50吨SiO2纳米粉末技术》(项目编号:G204597)(第一负责人)
(12) 天津一轻集团(控股)公司资助项目《年产50吨生物催化协同提取薯蓣皂素产业化项目》(项目编号:G204558)(第一负责人)
(13) 天津一轻集团(控股)公司资助项目《利用生物技术协同提取薯蓣皂素的扩大实验》(项目编号:G203506)(第一负责人)
2. 正在开展的课题
(1) 国家自然科学基金 《磷酸促进型掺锆二氧化硅/聚合物杂化膜及性能的研究》(项目编号:21076143)(第一负责人)
(2) 天津市应用基础研究计划《Zr掺杂有序介孔SiO2 / void/ TiO2复合光催化膜的研究》(项目编号:13JCYBJC20100) (第一负责人)
(3) 英国皇家工程院国际交流研究项目 《用于电池隔膜和水处理的SiO2纳米管掺杂的复合膜的开发》 (No. 2012-5502) (第一负责人)
(4) 国家教育部留学回国人员基金《用于含油废水处理的酸促进型非化学计量纳米SiO2-聚合物复合膜的研究》(项目编号:2009-1341)(第一负责人)
(5) 中国科学院特种无机涂层重点实验室开放基金《溶胶-凝胶法制备宽带隙、高折射率PVDF/TiO2-ZrO2 薄膜的研究》(项目编号:KLICM-2010-06)(第一负责人)
(6) 中国科学院特种无机涂层重点实验室开放基金《酸促进型二氧化硅纳米管杂化膜的研究》(项目编号:KLICM-2011-07)(第一负责人)
(7) 河南永城市辛泰锅炉设备按装有限责任公司资助项目《高效除氟集成装置的研制》(项目编号: GKF-0117) (第一负责人)
(8) 东莞市景园实业投资有限公司资助项目《利用生物催化将薯蓣皂苷转化为薯蓣皂素的工艺技术开发》(项目编号:2011GKF-0321,2011年10月-2013年10月) (第一负责人)
(9) 天津大学-海南大学创新基金《利用杂化膜处理橡胶废水和橡胶资源化的研究》(项目编号:1107026,2011年5月-2013年5月) (第一负责人)
(10) 天津方源汇科技有限公司资助项目《复合分离膜材料产业化及相关工艺、装备的开发》(项目编号:2011GKF-0154,2011年5月-2021年5月) (第一负责人)
The research projects: 
1) The research projects completed
(1) 《Study on Preparation of high Selective silica membranes and their mechanism》, The Basic Research of Tianjin Municipal Science and Technology Commission (№.07JCYBJC00700)
(2) 《Development of the nanometer ion sieve/polymer composite membranes for treatment of  wastewater containing oil》,The Science and Technology Innovation Venture Foundation of PetroChina Company Limited (№. 060511-6-3)
(3) 《Research of high selective composite membrane with memory function》, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation under Grant (413395-0306)
(4) 《Study on preparation of new type of adsorbent and the separation of the active ingredients of traditional Chinese medicine 》, Young Teachers Fund of Tianjin University (№.411716)
(5) 《The Research of preparation of highly selective adsorbents for extraction of natural products and drugs》, China scholarship council (CSC No: 2004812031)
(6) 《Development of SiO2-polymer composite membrane with mesophase structure》, the item founded by InterChina AIHUA Municipal & Environmental Engineering CO., LTD (№.G203248)
(7) 《Research on charging and discharging performance of Lead-acid battery at low temperature 》, Military projects the Ministry of Education
(8) 《Research and development on ion-sieve with high-performance and new molecular sieve for environmental water purification 》, The National Advanced Materials Committee of China under Grant (863-715-004-220)
(9) 《Development of SiO2 nano-powder technology for Annual production capacity of 50 tons 》, the item founded by Shandong Zouping Jinke nanomaterials CO., LTD (№.G204597)
(10) 《Research on the sieve membrane composites with decontamination and restoration function 》, National Natural Science Foundation of China (№. 29971022)
(11) 《Establishment of a new type of high-performance ion-sieve technology platform industry》, Tianjin Municipal Science and Technology Commission (033180811)
(12) 《Development and industrialization of bio-catalysis Diosgenin Extraction for Annual production capacity of 50 tons 》, the item founded by Tianjin Yiqing Group (Holding Share) CO., LTD (№.G204558)
(13) 《Development and Extraction Experiment of Diosgenin by using biotechnology》,The item founded by Tianjin Yiqing Group (Holding Share) CO., LTD (№.G203506)
2) The ongoing research projects
(1)《Research on the phosphorylated Zr-doped hybrid silica/ polymer composite membranes》 , National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 21076143)
(2) 《Study on ordered mesoporous Zr doped SiO2/ void /TiO2 composite photocatalysis membrane》, The Basic Research of Tianjin Municipal Science and Technology Commission (№. 13JCYBJC20100)
(3) Research Exchanges with China and India Scheme supported by the  Royal Academy of Engineering 《Development of Composite Membranes Doped with Silica Nanotubes for Battery Separators and Water treatment》 (No. 2012-5502)
(4)《Research on the phosphorylated nonstoichiometric nanosilica /polymer composite membranes for treatment of wastewater containing oil》, Scientific Research Foundation for the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars, State Education Ministry (No. 2009-1341)
(5)《Investigation and preparation on PVDF/TiO2-ZrO2 films with wide band gap and high refractive capability via a phase inversion process》, project funded by the Key Laboratory of Inorganic coating materials, Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. KLICM-2010-06)
(6)《Research on the phosphorylated silica nanotubes hybrid membranes》, project funded by the Key Laboratory of Inorganic coating materials, Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. KLICM-2011-07)
(7)《Development of device for high efficient removal of fluoride》, Xintai Boiler Equipment Installation Co., Ltd. in Henan Yongcheng city (No.GKF-0117)
Yuqing Zhang*, Jianmin Yan, Shaomin Liu. Biocompatibility and Biomedical Applications of Functionalized Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles. Biointerface research in applied chemistry, 2014, 4(3): 767-775
(2) Yuqing Zhang*, Yan Xu, Yiren Lu, Lili Zhao, Lixin Song. Phosphorylated Silica Nanotubes (PSNTs): Preparation, Characterization. Nanotechnology, 2013, 24: 315701 (9pp) (IF 3.947)
(3) Yuqing Zhang *, Fanglong Liu, Yiren Lu , Lili Zhao, Lixin Song. Investigation of Phosphorylated TiO2-SiO2 particles /Polysulfone composite membrane for wastewater treatment. Desalination, 2013, 324: 118-126 (DOI: 10.1016/j.desal.2013.06.007) (IF 2.59)
(4) ZHANG Yu-Qing, ZHAO Li-Li, XU Shi-Long, ZHANG Chao, CHEN Xiao-Ying, SONG Li-Xin. Preparation and Characterization of Polyvinylidene Fluoride/ZrO2-TiO2 Optical Film with Wide Band Gap and High Refractive Index. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2013, 28 (6): 671-676 (IF 0.445)
(5) Yuqing Zhang *, Guodong Zhang, Shaomin Liu , Chao Zhang, Xuemin Xu. “Naked” TiO2 capsulated in nanovoid microcapsule of poly(vinylindene fluoride) supporter with enhanced photocatalytic activity. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2012, 204-206: 217-224 (IF 3.461)
(6) Yuqing Zhang*, Xuehua Zhao, Simeng Zhang, Guodong Zhang , Shaomin Liu. Optimized preparation conditions of yttria doped zirconia coatings on potassium ferrate (VI) electrode for alkaline super-iron battery. Applied Energy, 2012, 99: 265-271 (IF 5.106)
(7) Yuqing Zhang*, Fanglong Liu, Simeng Zhang, Yuyuan Zhang , Shaomin Liu. Preparation of nonstoichiometric silica with multi-active groups and Effect of its doping on polysulfone membrane capabilities. Separation Science and Technology, 47: 2311–2319 (IF1.088)
(8) Yuqing Zhang*, Yan Xu, Simeng Zhang, Yuyuan Zhang, Zhiping Xu. Study on a novel composite membrane for treatment of sewage containing oil. Desalination, 2012, 299: 63-69 (IF 2.59)
(9) Yuqing Zhang*, Xing Shan, Zhenhua Jin, Yueling Wang. Synthesis of Sulfated Y-doped Zirconia Particles and Effect on Properties of Polysulfone Membranes for Treatment of Wastewater Containing Oil. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2011, 192: 559– 567 (IF 4.173)
(10) Yuqing Zhang*, Zhenhua Jin, Xing Shan, Jaka Sunarso, Ping Cui. Preparation and characterization of Phosphorylated Zr-doped Hybrid Silica /PSF composite membrane. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2011, 186: 390–395 (IF 4.173)
(11) Yuqing Zhang*, Xing Shan, Xiaoquan Gao. Development of a Molecularly Imprinted Membrane for Selective Separation of Flavonoids. Separation and Purification Technology, 2011, 76:337-344 (IF 2.921)
(12) Yuqing Zhang*, Guodong Zhang, Tingdong Du. Development of potassium ferrate(VI) cathode material stabilized with yttria doped zirconia coating for alkaline super-iron battery. Electrochimica Acta, 2011, 56: 1159–1163 (IF 3.832)
(13) Yuqing Zhang*, Yuefeng Zhang, Linru Tang. Effect of PEG4000 on Cellulase Catalysis in the Lignocellulose Saccharification Processes. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology,2011, 86: 115–120 (IF 2.168)
(14) Yuqing Zhang*, Zhenhua Jin, Jaka Sunarso, Jianfa Li. Development of nonstoichiometric silica with multi-active groups /polysulfone composite membranes for wastewater containing oil. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2011, 170:  14–20 (IF 3.461)
(15) Yuqing Zhang *, Xuemin Xu, Yuyuan Zhang, Jianfa Li. Effect of adding surfactant for transforming lignocellulose into fermentable sugars during biocatalysing. Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering, 2011, 16: 930-936 (IF 1.278)
(16) Yuqing Zhang*, Chao Zhang, Yuyuan Zhang, Guodong Zhang, Shaomin Liu, Zhiping Xu. Development of Al2O3 film on diatomite for treating wastewater containing anionic polyacrylamide. Chemical Engineering & Technology, 2011, 34(12): 1–7 (IF 1.598)
(17) Yuqing Zhang*, Xiaoquan Gao , Ling Xiang, Yahui Zhang, Jo?o C. Diniz da Costa.  Study on composite membranes with high selective permeance properties. Journal of Membrane Science, 2010, 346: 318–326 (IF 3.850)
(18) Yuqing Zhang*, Guodong Zhang, Tingdong Du, Lizao Zhang. Study on performance of composite polymer films doped with modified molecular sieve for lithium-ion batteries. Electrochimica Acta, 2010, 55: 5793–5797 (IF 3.832)
(19) Yuqing Zhang*, Zhenhua Jin, Yueling Wang, Ping Cui. Study on Phosphorylated Zr-doped Hybrid Silicas/PSF Composite Membranes for Treatment of Wastewater Containing Oil. Journal of Membrane Science, 2010, 361: 113–119 (IF 3.850)
(20) Yuqing Zhang*, Tingdong Du, Xuan An, Zhengyu Tu, Guodong Zhang. Study on Ce-doped Nonstoichiometric Nanosilica for Promoting Properties of Polysulfone Membrane. Chemical Engineering & Technology, 2010, 33(4): 676–681 (IF 1.598)
(21) Yuqing Zhang*, Xiaoquan Gao, Yueling Wang, Yahui Zhang, Gaoqing Lu.  Study on the Build of Channels in Accurate Separation Membrane and its Selective Mechanism. Journal of Membrane Science, 2009, 339: 100-108 (IF 3.850)
(22) Yuqing Zhang*, Ling Xiang, Yahui Zhang, Xiaoquan Gao. Study on Preparation of Composite Membrane with Molecular Recognizing Property and its Selective Permeance Mechanism, Separation and Purification Technology, 2009, 65: 130-136 (IF 2.921)
(23) Yuqing Zhang*, Ping Cui, Tingdong Du, Libo Shan, Yueling Wang. Development of a Sulfated Y-doped Nonstoichiometric Zirconia /Polysulfone Composite Membrane for Treatment of Wastewater Containing Oil, Separation and Purification Technology, 2009, 70 : 153–159 (IF  2.921)
(24) Yuqing Zhang*, Linru Tang, Xuan An, Erhong Fu, Chaofan Ma. Modification of cellulase and its application to extraction of Diosgenin from Dioscorea zingiberensis C. H. Wright, Biochemical Engineering Journal,2009, 47: 80-86 (IF 2.645)
(25) Yuqing Zhang*, Ping Cui, Tingdong Du, Youhu Fan, Study on Ce-doped Nonstoichiometric Nano-silica/PSF Composite membrane for separation of Chinese yam polysaccharide. Separation Science and Technology, 2009, 44 (9): 1-13 (IF1.088)
(26) Yuqing Zhang*, Ling Xiang, Tingdong Du, Yahui Zhang, Max Lu. Preparation and Characterization of Imprinted Porous Materials with High Selectivity for Luteolin. Chemical Engineering & Technology, 2009, 32 (10): 1105-1110 (IF 1.598)
(27) Chu Guobiao, Zhang Yanqiao, Li Chunbao, Zhang Yuqing. A New and More Efficient Synthesis of Methylene Acetals. Synthesis-Stuttgart, 2009, (22): 2828-3832 (IF 2.466)
(28) Yuqing Zhang*, Libo Shan, Zhengyu Tu, Yahui Zhang. Preparation and Characterization of Novel Ce-doped Nonstoichiometric Nanosilica/Polysulfone Composite Membranes, Separation and Purification Technology, 2008, 63: 207-212 (IF 2.921)
(29) Yuqing Zhang*, Erhong Fu, Jianghua Liang. Effect of Ultrasonic Wave on the Saccharification Processes of Lignocellulose. Chemical Engineering & Technology, 2008, 31 (10): 1108-1120 (IF 1.598)
(30)Yuqing Zhang*, Yahui Zhang, Hongliu Zhang. Study on preparation of a novel silica adsorbent and its selective separation for genistein. Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2008, 25(1): 201-206 (IF 0.637)
(31) Yuqing Zhang*, Zhen Qin, Zhengyu Tu. Study of the preparation of flavone imprinted silica microspheres and their molecular recognition function. Chemical Engineering & Technology, 2007, 30 (8): 1014-1019 (IF 1.598)
(32) Yuqing Zhang*, Jianghua Liang, Erhong Fu, Binxian Li. Effect of Modified Enzymatic Catalysis on Extraction of Diosgenin from Dioscorea zingiberensis C. H. Wright. Chemical Engineering & Technology, 2007, 30 (11): 1488-1494 (IF 1.598)
(33) Y. Q. ZHANG*, R. Sh. WANG. Selective Separation Behavior of Silica Gel for Zirconium in Simulated HLLW. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2001, 247(1) :205 -207 (IF 1.52)
(34) Yuqing Zhang*, Hongliu Zhang, Zhenrong Ma. Study on preparation of silica adsorbent with nanopores and its selective adsorption for genistein. Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering,2008,6(1) :16-19 (Citation by EI)
(35) Yuqing Zhang*, Yahui Zhang, Zhen Qin, Zhenrong Ma. Synthesis of silica adsorbent and its selective separation for flavone. Frontiers of Chemistry in China, 2008, 3(3): 320-324
(36)Yuqing Zhang*, Hongliu Zhang, Zhenrong MA. Study on preparation of silica adsorbent with nanopores and its selective separation for genistein. Nanoscience, 2006, 11(4): 254-256
(37) ZHANG Yu-qing*,WANG Rong-shu. Synthesis of Silica Gels with High Adsorption Activity for Extraction Zirconium. Transaction of Tianjin University, 2002, 8(3): 143-146
(1) 张裕卿. 膜分离和吸附技术的教学改革与思考. 化工高等教育, 2010,27(4): 70-73
(1) Zhang Yuqing*. Reform and C0nsideration on the Teaching of M embrane Separation and Adsorption Technology. Higher Education in Chemical Engineering, 2010,27(4): 70-73
(2) 张越锋, 张裕卿*, 张红喜. 复合纳米二氧化硅的制备进展. 广州化工, 2010,38(4): 25-27
(2) ZHANG Yue—feug ,ZHANG Yu—qing* ,ZHANG Hong—xi. Progress of Composite Nano——silica Preparation. GuangZhou Chemical Industry and Technology, 2010,38(4): 25-27
(3) 张越锋,张裕卿*. 复合纳米二氧化硅的应用研究进展. 塔里木大学学报, 2010, 22 (1): 151-156
(3) Zhang Yuefeng, Zhang Yuqing. Applications and Research Progress of Composite Nano -SiO2. Journal of tarim University, 2010, 22 (1): 151-156
(4) 张越锋,张红喜, 张裕卿*. 基于苯甲酸重结晶的实验改革. 当代化工, 2010, 39 (1): 89-92
(4) ZHANG Yue-feng, ZHANG Hong-xi, ZHANG Yu-qing*.The Experimental Reformation of Benzoic Acid Recrystallization. Contemporary Chemical Industry, 2010, 39 (1): 89-92
(5) 陈超,高戈,刘文亚,张裕卿. 改性微滤膜深度处理城市污水的研究. 中国给水排水,2009,25(13):61-63
(5) CHEN Chao, GAO Ge , LIU Wen-ya , ZHANG Yu-qing Advanced Treatment of Municipal Wastewater by Modified Microfiltration Membrane. China Water & Wastewater, 2009, 25(13):61-63
(6) 张裕卿*,张红柳,曲云. 填充纳米SiO2对聚偏氟乙烯膜性能的影响. 膜科学与技术, 2007, 27(6): 47-51
(6) Yuqing Zhang, Hongliu Zhang, Yun Qu. Effects of addition of nano-SiO2 particles on polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) based membrane performance. Memberane Science and Technology, 2007, 27(6): 47-51.
(7) 张裕卿*,秦震,马振荣. 新型硅质吸附剂的合成及对黄酮的选择分离. 天津大学学报, 2007,40(4):411-415 (EI收录)
(7) Yuqing Zhang*, Zhen Qin, Zhenrong Ma. Synthesis of Silica Adsorbent and Its Selective Separation for Flavone. Journal of Tianjin University, 2007, 40(44): 411-415. (Citation by EI)
(8) 张裕卿*,付二红,梁江华. 超声波对木质纤维素糖化过程影响的研究.中国生物工程杂志, 2007,27(9):81-84
(8) Yuqing Zhang*, Erhong Fu, Jianghua Liang. Study on effect of   supersonic for the lignocellulose saccharification processes. Chinese Journal of Biological engineering, 2007, 27(9): 81-84.
(9) 张裕卿*,李滨县. 聚氧乙烯-马来酸酐聚合物改性纤维素酶催化酸水解盾叶薯蓣薯蓣皂苷元的研究.中草药, 2007,38(4):527-530
(9) Yuqing Zhang*, Binxian Li. Biocatalytic acid hydrolysis of diosgenin in Dioscorea zingiberensis through polyoxethylene oxide-maleic acid anhydride modified cellulose enzyme. Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drug, 2007, 38(4): 527-530.
(10) 张裕卿*,梁江华,李滨县. β-葡萄糖苷酶促进纤维素降解的应用.天津大学学报, 2007,40(3):317-320 (EI收录)
(10) Yuqing Zhang, Jianghua Liang, Binxian Li. Application of β-Glycosidase to Cellulose Bio-Degradation. Journal of Tianjin University, 2007, 40(3): 317-320. (Citation by EI)
(11) 王新,张裕卿. COD测定方法的研究动态.河北化工, 2007,30(1):50-51.
(11) Xin Wang, Yuqing Zhang. The Recent Development for Determination of COD. Hebei Chemical Engineering and Industry, 2007, 30(1): 50-51.
(12) 陈超,张裕卿*,张宏伟,陈艳英. Al2O3—聚砜复合超滤膜用于中水处理的研究. 天津大学学报, 2006, 39(2):127 (EI收录)
(12) Chao chen, Yuqing Zhang, Hongwei Zhang, Yanchen Chen. Alumina-Polysulfone Composite Membrane in Sewage Treatment. Journal of Ttianjin University, 2006, 39(2):127 (Citation by EI)
(13) 曲云,张裕卿*.具有耐污染性的SiO2/聚砜共混膜的研究.工业水处理,2006,26(7):26-29
(13)Yun Qu, Yuqing Zhang*. Study on SiO2/polysulfone composite membrane with high anti-fouling capacity. Industrial Water Trentment, 2006, (26): 726-29.
(14) 张裕卿*,王东青,李滨县等. 阶梯生物催化协同提取盾叶薯蓣中薯蓣皂苷元的研究.中草药, 2006,37(5):688-691
(14) Yuqing Zhang*, Dongqing Wang, Binxian Li et.al. Extraction of diosgenin from Dioscorea zingiberensis through stepwise biocatalyst, Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drug, 2006, 37(5): 688-691.
(15) 张裕卿*,王东青. 植物甾醇微生物转化制备甾体药物中间体的研究进展.微生物学通报, 2006,33(2):142-146
(15) Yuqing Zhang*, Dongqing Wang. Advanees in Microbial Transformation of Phytosterol into Steroid Medicine Intermediate. Microbiology, 2006, 33(2): 142-146.
(16) 常侃,张裕卿*,任荣. 提高芳烃抽提装置处理能力的研究.天津化工, 2006,20(2):41-43
(16) Kan Chang, Yuqing Zhang, Rong Ren. Study of raising Treatment Capacity of aromatics extraction unit. Tianjin Chemical Industry, 2006, 20(2): 41-43.
(17) 王新,张裕卿. COD测定方法的研究动态.宁波化工,2006,(3):44-46.
(17) Xin Wang, Yuqing Zhang. The Recent Development for Determination of COD. Ning Bo Chemical Engineering and Industry, 2006, (3): 44-46.
(18) 马向军,张裕卿* .提高聚丙烯腈基碳纤维原丝质量的研究进展.合成纤维, 2005,34(11):28-32
(18) Xiangjun Ma, Yuqing Zhang. Research on Improving the Quality of PAN Precurso r. Synthetic Fiber in China, 2005, 34(11): 8-32.
(19) 马振荣,张裕卿* .废聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料的资源化再利用.化学工业与工程, 2005,22(4):319-321
(19) Ma Zhenrong, Zhang Yuqing* . Development in Reuse of Polystyrene Foamed Plastic Waste. CHEMICAL INDUSTRY AND ENGINEERING, 2005, 4(22): 319-321.
(20) 张裕卿*,王东青. 利用生物技术协同提取薯蓣皂素.精细与专用化学品, 2005,13(10):7-10
(20) Zhang Yuqing*, Wang Dongqing. Application of Biological Technique Cooperating with Acidic Hydrolysis in Diosgenin Extraction.  Fine and Specialty Chemicals, 2005, 1(13): 7-10.
(21) 张裕卿*,赵学明,王榕树. 新型复合吸附剂的制备及对雌酚酮的选择性分离. 化学工程, 2003, 31(5): 21 (EI收录)
(21) Yuqing Zhang, Xueming Zhao, Rongshu Wang. New Composite Sorbents′ Preparation and Its Selective Separation of Estrone. Chemical Engineering (China), 2003, 31(5): 21. (Citation by EI)
(22) 张裕卿*,张黎明等. 大孔吸附树脂对番茄红素和β—胡萝卜素吸附分离的研究.中草药, 2002,33(7):602-604
(22) Zhang Yuqing*, Zhang Liming, Meng Li, Zhao Xueming. Adsorption and desorption of lycopene and β-carotene using three macoroporous adsorp tion resins. Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drug, 2002, 7(33): 602-604.
(23) 张裕卿*,王榕树. SiO2纳米干凝胶的煅烧特性. 天津大学学报, 2001,34(6):800-803 (EI收录)
(23) Zhang Yuqing, Wang Rongshu. CALCINING CHARACTERISTIC OF NANO-SIZED SIO2 XEROGEL. Journal of Ttianjin University, 2001(35): 46-49. (Citation by EI)
(24) 张裕卿*,姜云鹏,王榕树. SiO2纳米干凝胶对锆的动态吸附. 原子能科学技术,2001,35: 46
(24) Zhang Yuqing*, Jiang Yunpeng, Wang Rongshu. Dynamic Adsorption  of  Zr on the Silica Xerogels. Atomic Energy Science and Technology, 2001(35): 46-49.
(25) 张裕卿*,王林双等. SiO2纳米干凝胶的合成和表征.核化学与放射化学, 2001,23(2):102-107
(25) Zhang Yuqing*, Wang Linshuang, Jiang Yunpeng, Wang Rongshu. Synthsis and characterasition of nano-sized silica gels. Chinese Journal of nuclear and radiochemistry, 2001,2(23): 102-107.
(26) 张裕卿*, 丁健. Al2O3的添加对聚砜膜性能的影响. 化学工程, 2000, 171(5): 42 (EI收录)
(26) Yuqing Zhang*, Jian Ding, Junshi Chang. Treatment of oil bearing wastewater in oil field by polysulfone alumina(Al2O3) composite membrane, INDUSTRIAL WATER TREATMENT, 2000, 20(2): 24-25,34. (Citation by EI)
(27) 张裕卿*. 用于含油废水处理的复合膜研制.中国给水排水, 2000,16(4):58-60
(27) Yuqing Zhang*, Development of Composite Membrane for Oily Wastewater Treatment. CHINA WATER & WASTEWATER , 2000,16(4):58-60
(28) 张裕卿*,常俊石. 聚砜—Al2O3复合膜处理油田含油污水.工业水处理,2000,20(2):24-25, 34
(28) Yuqing Zhang*, Jian Ding, Junshi Chang. Treatment of oil bearing wastewater in oil field by polysulfone alumina(Al2O3) composite membrane. INDUSTRIAL WATER TREATMENT, 2000, 20(2): 24-25,34.
(29) 张裕卿*,林灿生等,高吸附活性硅胶的合成及其对锆的选择分离.核科学与工程, 2000,20(4):353-359
(29) Zhang Yuqing*, Wang Rongshu, Lin Cansheng et al. Synthesis of Silica Gels with High Adsorption Activity and Selection Separation for Zirconium. Chinese Journal of Nuclear Science and Engineering, 2000, 4(20): 353-359. (Citation by EI)
(30) 张裕卿*,林灿生. 高吸附活性硅胶对模拟高放废液中锆分离行为的研究.核化学与放射化学, 2000,22(3):156-160
(30) Zhang Yuqing*, Wang Rongshu, Lin Cansheng et al. Study on selective separation behavior of high adsorption activity silica gel for zirconium in simulated HLLW. Journal of Nuclear and Radiochemistry, 2000, 3(22): 156-160. (Citation by EI)
(31) 张裕卿*,丁健. 聚砜—Al2O3复合膜的制备及表征.天津理工学院学报,1999,15(4):89-92
(31) Zhang Yuqing*, Ding Jian, Wang Rongshu. Preparation and Charaterization of Polysulfone(psf)-Alumina (Al2O3) Composite Membrane. JOURNAL OF TIANJIN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, 1999,4(15): 89-92.
(32) 张裕卿, 李海平, 吴三械, 杨兰生. 几种添加剂对铅酸蓄电池低温充放电性能的影响. 电源技术,1997, 21(2): 53-56
(32) Zhang Yuqing*, Li Haiping, Wu Sanxie, Yang Lansheng. Influence of several additives on the low temperature charge acceptance of lead-acid batteries. Chinese Journal of Power Sources, 1997, 2(21): 53-57.
(33) 吴三械; 张裕卿, 吕国金, 杨兰生. 铅酸蓄电池在低温下的正极极化和充电容量,电源技术, 1997, 21(3): 26
(33) Sanxie Wu, Yuqing Zhang, Guojin Lv, Lansheng Yang. Polarization and charge capacity Of positive-negative plates Of lead—acid battery at low temperature, Chinese Journal of Power Sources, 1997, 21(3): 26
(1) 张裕卿,陈超,朱勇军, 秦姝兰.《具有中间相结构的纳米Al2O3?SiO2-聚砜复合膜的制备方法》(ZL03130377.3)(授权.  2005,3,30)
(2)张裕卿,曲云.《用于制备聚偏氟乙烯复合膜的原料纳米SiO2的修饰方法.》(ZL200510014454.5)(授权.  2006,8,23)
(3) 张裕卿,马振荣.《用于药物分离纯化的内置型纳米孔硅质吸附剂的制备方法》(ZL200510014455.X) (授权. 2007,9,5)
(4) 张裕卿,张红柳.《对天然产物具有专一选择性硅质分离膜的制备方法》(ZL 200610013963.0) (授权. 2008,1,2)
(5) 张裕卿,李滨县.《修饰纤维素酶催化提取薯蓣皂素的方法》(ZL 200610129228.6)(授权. 2008,12,3)
(6) 张裕卿,梁江华,李滨县.《超声波协同改性纤维素酶催化木质纤维素糖化的方法》(ZL 200610129917.7) (授权. 2009,3,11)
(7) 张裕卿,张丽早,单力博.《Y掺杂硫酸促进型纳米ZrO2的制备方法》(ZL200810152529. X)(授权. 2010,3,11)
(8) 张裕卿,高晓劝. 《由LUM粒子构成分离孔道的聚砜杂化膜的制备方法》(ZL200810153159.1 )(授权. 2010,9,16)
(9) 张裕卿, 王月玲, 崔萍. 《磷酸促进型掺锆杂化硅无机氧化物粒子及其制备方法》(ZL 200910068973.8) (授权. 2011,2,25)
(10) 张裕卿. 安璇, 单星. 《含聚丙烯酰胺三次采油采出水的处理方法》, (ZL 2010060900150180) (授权. 2011,10)
(11) 林灿生,张先业,张裕卿, 王榕树.《purex流程首端溶解液预处理方法和所用硅胶及制备方法》(ZL00120709.1)(授权. 2003,9,10)
(12) 张裕卿,张超, 张国东. 《促进传递型TiO2/空隙/SiO2光催化粒子及制备》. 中国发明专利, 申请号: 201210214138.2 (申请日: 2012, 06, 27)
(13) 张裕卿. 莫妍. 《锑掺杂二氧化锡包覆多孔二氧化锰复合电极材料及制备》. 中国发明专利, 申请号:201410019766. 4 (申请日: 2014, 01, 16)
(14) 张裕卿.《纳米非整比TiO2-SiO2自洁净防雾玻璃膜的制备方法》,申请号:03130378.1
(15) 张裕卿. 秦震.《硅质无机黄酮类分子印迹微球的制备方法》,申请号:200610015699.4.
(16) 张裕卿,涂郑禹. 《非化学计量掺杂稀土元素纳米SiO2复合粒子的制备方法》, 申请号: 200710057428. X
(17) 张裕卿.《生物酶催化协同浸取提取薯蓣皂素的方法》,申请号:03105315.7
(18) 张裕卿.《监测生物酶催化提取薯蓣皂苷元中催化反应终点的方法》,申请号:200410020047.0
(19) 张裕卿. 王东青.《生物酶阶梯催化提取薯蓣皂苷元的方法》,申请号:200510014456.4
(20) 张裕卿.《用大孔树脂提取番茄红素和β-胡萝卜素的方法》,申请号:03105000. X
(1) Yuqing Zhang, Chen Chao et al.《The preparation means of composite membrane of nano-Al2O3?SiO2- Polysulfone》: Chinese Invent Patent №: ZL03130377.3
(2) Yuqing Zhang, Qu Yun.《The Modification means of nano- SiO2 for preparation of PVDF composite membrane》: Chinese Invent Patent №: ZL200510014454.5
(3) Yuqing Zhang, Zhenrong Ma. 《The preparation means of nano-silica adsorbent used in the purification of medicines》:Chinese Invent Patent №:ZL200510014455.X
(4) Yuqing Zhang, Hongliu Zhang. 《Process for preparing silicon separating films with specialized selectivity to natural products》: Chinese Invent Patent №:ZL 200610013963.0
(5) Yuqing Zhang, Binxian Li. 《the modification means of diosgenine catalyzed and extracted by cellulose》: Chinese Invent Patent №:ZL 200610129228.6
(6)Yuqing Zhang, Jianghua Liang, Binxian Li.《The means of saccharification of bastose under ultrasonic wave cooperating with chemical modification of cellulose biocatalysis》: Chinese Invent Patent №:200610129917.7
(7) Yuqing Zhang, Lizao Zhang, Libo Shan. 《The preparation means of nano Zr-doped Sulfated lated Hybrid Silica》,Chinese Invent Patent №: 200810152529. X
(8) Yuqing Zhang,Xiaoquan Gao.《The preparation means of Polysulfone hybrid membrane with Channels and pores built by LUM,Chinese Invent Patent №: 200810153159.1
(9) Yuqing Zhang, Yueling Wang. 《the preparation means of phosphorylated Zr-doped hybrid silica inorganic oxide nanoparticles》: Chinese Invent Patent №: 200910068973.8
(10) Yuqing Zhang, Xuan an, Xing Shan. 《the treatment means of wastewater containing Polyacrylamide》:Chinese Invent Patent №: 2010060900150180
(11) Cansheng Lin, Xianye Zhang, Yuqing Zhang, Wang Rongshu. 《The method of the liquid pre-treatment methods of the first client process purex liquid and the preparation method of using silica gel》, ZL00120709.1
(12) Yuqing Zhang, Chao Zhang, Guodong Zhang.《The preparation means of ordered radial-arrayed mesoporous SiO2 shell/void/TiO2 core particles with enhancing mass and light transfer》: Chinese Invent Patent №: 201210214138.2
(13) Yuqing Zhang, Yan Mo.《Preparation of Sb-doped SnO2 coating on porous MnO2 electrode materials》: Chinese Invent Patent №: 201410019766. 4
(14) Yuqing Zhang.《The preparation means of film of nano-nonstoichiometric TiO2-SiO2 with self-cleansing performence on glass》: Chinese Invent Patent №: 03130378.1
(15) Yuqing Zhang, Zhen Qin. 《The preparation means of flavone imprinted silica microspheres》:Chinese Invent Patent №: 200610015699.4
(16) Yuqing Zhang,Zhengyu Tu. 《The preparation means of Ce-doped Nonstoichiometric Nanosilica particles》,Chinese Invent Patent №: 200710057428.X
(17)Yuqing Zhang.《The preparation means of extraction of diosgenin under biocatalysis cooperating with acidic hydrolysis》:Chinese Invent Patent №: 03105315.7